Friday 10 November 2017

American Women of The Glamour Years, Paris (1919-1940) Commemorative Series 65 cent Imperforate (not perforated) Issue #1 GERTRUDE STEIN

Gertrude Stein (1874-1946). American novelist, poet, playwright and art collector. Gertrude and her partner Alice B. Toklas were keen on white purebred poodles and owned 3 in succession, all named Basket.


  1. American Women of the Glamour Years—what a great concept for a series! And you've executed it beautifully... I especially like the backgrounds, like this wavy stripe concoction. And Basket looks so cute, yawning. I must say, too, that this is the most flattering photo I've ever seen of Ms. Stein: she was what they call "a handsome woman."

    1. The book "Paris, The Glamour Years 1919-1940" inspired me. I replied in the next post about the background resource for this and Josephine Baker. I viewed an exhibit in San Francisco about Stein and Toklas and it contained a treasure trove of personal effects. One (that I was so enamored of I wanted to seriously steal it!) was a 3 dimensional cloth white poodle MADE for them BY PABLO PICASSO!! I have tried to find a photo of it online but cannot find one. I also checked the gift shop at the museum and they did not have a postcard of it. Damn.

  2. Oh the pattern of her clothes match perfectly with the background!

    1. Thank You Josephine. I had fun doing these and may do a couple more!

  3. Perfect, Angie! I love your series!
